Sunday, November 2, 2008

Movember - Week One

I was piddling around on the interwebs the other day and discovered something amazing -- Movember! The word "Movember" is a combination of "moustache" and "November" and the concept of "Movember" is that a man shaves on October 31st and lets his facial hair grow for the entire month of November in order to raise awareness for a cause.

So my cause this Movember is going to be autism awareness. Today 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, so it is highly likely that you know someone with one of these disorders or someone who has a child that does. Even though I could go on and on about autism (thanks to my beautiful wife teaching me so much about it!), I'll spare you that. Instead I'd like to challenge you to get involved with the noble cause. You can do so by going to the Austism Speaks website or the Autism Society of America website. Then click on "Get Involved" and see if any of those options are appealing to you.

So here is me before October 31st:

And here is me just after midnight on November 1st:


the thorntons said...

So glad I found your blog! And what a great reason to grow out facial hair. Ryan never seems to need an excuse, but I'm going to share this with him!

J. Matthew Barnes said...

Awesome! Thanks for the comment!